About Me

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Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Is this Justice?

News Flash !!
"SPS Rathore sentenced to 1 1/2 years for molesting Ruchika in 1990"
Comments: Triumph of Justice, Historic Order, Satisfied, Rathore deserved this blah blah blah....
one and a half years?? A girl committed suicide here, a 15 yr old girl, and just one and a half years? That is all we can dish out to him?
With all those excuses and "recent heart problems" its again a matter of how he walks off and in the worst case scenario he will stay the 18 months behind bars with TV, refrigerator, AC, 5 star food as if on a sweet vacation.
Spare a thought for the Girhotra family. The loss of their daughter, the torture after that to keep mum and what else only they know and fully understand. I am pretty much sure that they will be displeased; rather anyone in their position will be if you lose your daughter, sister, mother.
Its a failure to see such a light sentence for such a heinous crime. Its a battle won but the war is still to be.
My best wishes to the family and I hope the rightful happens.
How easily are we satisfied with the results and that is why our enemies continue to rape our nation and we let them walk away scot-free with it.
Even about Ajmal Kasab, so many months under trial and more till he's hanged, wishing and believing he is, and a hell lot of crores spent on that. What a cost paid, he is not even worth a paisa and we dance with joy when he gets the death sentence!!
What have we become? Are we going to realize only when we lose someone we truly love?
There should never have been a question of death sentence. Rather than dance with joy, I feel sad that this is the only step our "leaders" can take. Nobody is man enough to wipe off the terrorists once and for all. But I think is it really right to blame them, after all they are following orders of Uncle Sam. Yeah right! Uncle Sam will scold us and not let us live, wow! Such fearful and lowly existence being bereft of Freedom, dignity and honour. They let the nation be blackmailed into submission and allow further weakening of Bhaarat.
We are oppressed by our enemies because we allow them to. Albert Einstein had said, "The world is a dangerous place; not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do nothing"
I won't say we should now pick up arms and start shooting down any criminal or terrorist we can. A good job can be done in our day to day life as well. It is about everyone doing his/her job to the fullest extent. Its about being good at whatever you do. If a student, we should be good students. If engineers, we should be good engineers. If doctors, we should be good doctors. If soldiers, we should be good soldiers and if leaders, we should be good leaders and then will this nation work as a well oiled unit.
For a gearbox to work, the shaft, gears, bearings, keys, nuts, bolts etc all have to perform their work to perfection. Bolts can't perform the work of gears!
Justice will be the day when remorseless molesters like Rathore are hanged for their crimes and terrorists like Kasab are hunted in their dens before they even think of attacking this great nation.
For all those pessimists and enemies of my nation, I'll say, we have hit the rockbottom, we are not going down futher. The Nation's graph is past 270 degrees and will rise, once again to the peak of the Sine Wave. This Nation is too great to hold down into submission. The Nation of Vivekananda, Savarkar, Shivaji, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Azad, Bose, Tilak and those countless thinkers, fighters and revolutionaries will not die. Me and my fellow countrymen are rising, are waking up. The conch shell has been blown, its just a matter of time.
Our time, is now....

Jai Hind!

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