We witnessed an international outcry after the Israeli attack on the Gaza bound Turkish Freedom Flotilla. Most of the significant countries opposed to the act. Protests in Egypt, Syria, Jordan among many other nations along with Pakistan condemned the act terming it to be human rights violation and an encroachment upon the fundamental right to freedom and justice. It was extremely funny and ironic to watch Pakistanis protest and use english words like justice, right to freedom, respect, which they don’t fully understand nor implement!
Traveling way back in history to understand the Israeli cause and why the situation is what it is today -
Ancient World (1200 BC), the name Israel was first used. The current regions were called Judea then, the home of the Jews. This land was captured by the Romans from the Jews and later on the Arabs defeated the Romans to add it to their empire. This process saw a scattering of the Jews to parts of Europe and some settled in other continents including Asia and especially in what is now Bhaarat. After World War 1, the League of Nations granted Palestine as a mandate to the British empire to build a national home for the Jews. The Arab world resented this and we can say these were the primary seeds of hatred in their minds which has today culminated into War between Israel and its neighbours. After the Holocaust and World War 2 there was an urgent need to relocate the displaced Jews and the talks for a seperate country for the Jews in the Area to the East of the Mediterranean picked up steam from where it had left off post World War 1. Finally, in 1947 a partition plan was chalked out by the UN, check panoramic figure, image 2nd from the left.

Here crops up the similarity between Bhaarat and Israel, the partition of Hindustaan was followed by mass murder initiated at the Lahore station ; the partition in the former case though not as bloody as this was just the calm before the storm. Several terrorist organisations were launched in Palestine to counter the partition. I would like to remind us of the fact that this land was already Jewish Home which landed in the hands of the Arabs when the captured it from the Romans who were the primary occupiers after expelling the Jews from their homes and hence I believe there should not have been the kind of resentment in Arab ranks as was witnessed post Partition of Palestine. Now, Israel shares its border with Lebanon (North), Syria (Northeast), Jordan (East) and Egypt (South). The west of Israel is the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Now check out us, we border with Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal and Myanmar. Barring the latter two, others have shown the hostility against Bhaarat. I would strike up these similarities between us and Israel as I proceed through the blog.
Coming back to Israel, we were at the point when attacks against Israel loomed around the corner. A day before the mandate was to expire, i.e. on May 14, 1948 Jewish Agency declared Independence and forming of the country of Israel officially. Immediately the next day, 5 Arab Nations declared War on Israel. The countries were Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. After a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared and temporary borders, known as the Green line, were established. Jordan annexed what became known as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip.
Even after the war, Israel was repeatedly attacked by terrorist outfits supported by its enemies exactly the case like us, Pakistan and China support such attacks on Bhaarat. Egypt continued its tactics on Israel by blocking the Strait of Tiran for Israeli transport, effectively cutting off Israel’s only sea route to Asia, via the Red Sea. It continued mocking the Israelis and provoking them to war. "The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war. Our only aim is to eliminate Israel. It is a war since 1948 and no peaceful measures can be implemented", this was the statement of the then Egyptian President Naseer. Israel believed this to be a prelude to another War and without waiting for the Arab nations to go much ahead, it attacked Egypt on June 5th, 1967 along with the attacks against Syria and Jordan due to the Military Alliance between the 3 Nations to “Wipe out” Israel, later joined by Iraq. The Entire Israeli Airforce barring 12 fighters, which were on duty to protect Israeli Air Space, destroyed the Egyptian and Jordanian Airforces completely, with every airplane destroyed on the ground itself. Syria was attacked later and half their airforce was demolished. This was followed by the ground strike in which Israel eventually captured Arab areas expanding itself to 26000 sq. miles from 8000 sq. miles!!! It was a stunning 6 day victory for the Israeli’s and led to the stoppage of Arab Menace. Many events have taken place since that war where Israel has unsuccessfully tried to convince the Palestine Leaders of accepting each other rather than fighting it out. Every Palestine defiance and continued attacks has led to Israel restricting the Palestine People to the Gaza strip and West Bank. (Check out the figure again)
After all this, I was forced to think and now I firmly believe that Israel is not at all doing anything immoral or unethical. I have great respect to these patriots, who throughout history have fought for their freedom and repelled injustice. Just because their leaders are able enough to defeat their enemies does not make them fascist, which is the current label the world community is trying to attach to them. They are brave enough to stand for truth and justice unlike our dear politicians. They know the limits of tolerance and the need of force if Freedom needs to be ensured. One of Israel’s Strategic Greats, Moshe Dayan had said, “Israel must always act like a mad dog. Better it is to be cruel in the eyes of the world rather than being harmed”. Now, how true this statement is. Throughout history, Israel was subjected to Arab oppression and aggression. If at this juncture, their intelligence agency Mossad is so strong that it can say with conviction that Anti – Israel weapons are being manufactured in the lands of their enemies, I consider it wise that they destroy such elements before the reach the Israel, this is foresight and not unwarranted aggression. It is foolish of us that we don’t attack these known terrorist camps in POK and Pakistan and go after these terrorists who are repeatedly maiming the social, cultural national fabric. There is nothing tolerant and peace loving in not attacking them. It is needed at this hour that we strike and finish off the terrorist elements before they cause any more damage, especially when it is known that they will get their hands on Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. The situation we face is quite similar to that faced by Israel but the only difference is that they have great patriotism as the undercurrent while we have cowardice and selfishness as ours. Nobody today dares to touch Israel, not the US nor the UN and neither anybody else. Why is it so? It is because this nation lives with no fear, death before dishonour policy. They have those damn guts to challenge anything that threatens their country. Where is the bravery of our ancestors gone? Where is that passion of freedom, love for the country and a vision to secure Bhaarat as the Superpower in the annals of world History gone. If not us, who is going to protect the country? Who is going to take it to the zenith? We are being looted, raped and attacked time and again. When will we stand up to change, look ahead and fight for the nation? Fighting does not necessarily mean at the border. It is our self doubt, laziness, cowardice and that stinking attitude “chalta hai” which needs to be fought. If one country named Israel can fight through years of insecurity and attacks from enemies and win over such elements to form a nation on core principles and values with a backdrop of national pride, why can this nation not do it? We lack self motivation and the faith that even 1 person can make the difference. Life is not about earning money alone, its about making the difference.
"Even if a person sitting in a cave in a remote place articulates a good thought and has faith in it, the thought percolates into other beings and helps the cause”
Swami Vivekananda
Now, going a step further to state, if even a thought can make a difference, then actions of self belief and true nature, for the national cause, definitely can. We, as youngsters, in current scenario might not be able to invade the political system effectively to implement our vision and patriotic ideas but by starting the procedure of change and thought exchange, there will come a time that the leaders of this great nation will be true Patriots and dedicated bunch of folks among us, or maybe even generations later but they will be there and they will love this nation truly and strive hard to make it a superpower. Good things always take time. They need perseverance and sacrifice for existence and execution. The full growth of a tree from a sapling takes many years while the cutting down action, takes hardly some time. But, in the end truth and goodness triumphs. History is evidence enough of the earlier statement and Israel the current example. I for one, believe that the tough get going when the going gets tough. I know for sure that this path of national pride and integrity is one with many obstacles. It involves ridicule, slander, dirty politics and all kinds of draconian tests and difficulties. But, the tougher it gets the tougher we do too. The immense satisfaction of giving whole heartedly to the nation is a big boon, a big prize. We would not have had such lives if someone had not fought for us. Life is about giving, its about sacrifice selflessly. Any difficulty can utmost destroy our bodies, they can never harm our souls. Defeat comes when accepted. Cowards run away form difficulties and truth. Its not in the nature of the brave to let injustice take absolute control, they will keep fighting, they will keep living free. For all of you, my friends, please don’t fall back, please realize the need of national unification and mass revolution of thoughts. We will lose this great country to selfishness, cowardice and injustice if we don’t act now. We need each other to work as a perfectly cohesive, well oiled unit, to shoulder the responsibility to take Bhaarat to its glory. Let us mould ourselves and prepare for the many battles to come, may they be by weapons, or by thoughts. Quoting Swami Vivekananda again, “Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is achieved”.
Let us not stop short of the goal of a free Bhaarat, a wise and united nation; a strong, powerful and peace loving nation. A nation of growth, prosperity and independence. Let us learn form Israel and show the same courage and national pride and integration that they have. I salute the Patriots of Israel. I hope that it continues to inspire me and my countrymen.
I will conclude for now with Veer Savarkar’s call to Freedom,
“Tuzasathi maran te Janana, tuzaveen janana te maran”
The line is in Marathi, which means “Dying for you (Freedom) is like living while life without you is equivalent to death”
Let us Fight....
Let us Live Free....
Jai Hind!
Traveling way back in history to understand the Israeli cause and why the situation is what it is today -
Ancient World (1200 BC), the name Israel was first used. The current regions were called Judea then, the home of the Jews. This land was captured by the Romans from the Jews and later on the Arabs defeated the Romans to add it to their empire. This process saw a scattering of the Jews to parts of Europe and some settled in other continents including Asia and especially in what is now Bhaarat. After World War 1, the League of Nations granted Palestine as a mandate to the British empire to build a national home for the Jews. The Arab world resented this and we can say these were the primary seeds of hatred in their minds which has today culminated into War between Israel and its neighbours. After the Holocaust and World War 2 there was an urgent need to relocate the displaced Jews and the talks for a seperate country for the Jews in the Area to the East of the Mediterranean picked up steam from where it had left off post World War 1. Finally, in 1947 a partition plan was chalked out by the UN, check panoramic figure, image 2nd from the left.

Here crops up the similarity between Bhaarat and Israel, the partition of Hindustaan was followed by mass murder initiated at the Lahore station ; the partition in the former case though not as bloody as this was just the calm before the storm. Several terrorist organisations were launched in Palestine to counter the partition. I would like to remind us of the fact that this land was already Jewish Home which landed in the hands of the Arabs when the captured it from the Romans who were the primary occupiers after expelling the Jews from their homes and hence I believe there should not have been the kind of resentment in Arab ranks as was witnessed post Partition of Palestine. Now, Israel shares its border with Lebanon (North), Syria (Northeast), Jordan (East) and Egypt (South). The west of Israel is the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Now check out us, we border with Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal and Myanmar. Barring the latter two, others have shown the hostility against Bhaarat. I would strike up these similarities between us and Israel as I proceed through the blog.
Coming back to Israel, we were at the point when attacks against Israel loomed around the corner. A day before the mandate was to expire, i.e. on May 14, 1948 Jewish Agency declared Independence and forming of the country of Israel officially. Immediately the next day, 5 Arab Nations declared War on Israel. The countries were Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. After a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared and temporary borders, known as the Green line, were established. Jordan annexed what became known as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip.
Even after the war, Israel was repeatedly attacked by terrorist outfits supported by its enemies exactly the case like us, Pakistan and China support such attacks on Bhaarat. Egypt continued its tactics on Israel by blocking the Strait of Tiran for Israeli transport, effectively cutting off Israel’s only sea route to Asia, via the Red Sea. It continued mocking the Israelis and provoking them to war. "The Jews threaten to make war. I reply: Welcome! We are ready for war. Our only aim is to eliminate Israel. It is a war since 1948 and no peaceful measures can be implemented", this was the statement of the then Egyptian President Naseer. Israel believed this to be a prelude to another War and without waiting for the Arab nations to go much ahead, it attacked Egypt on June 5th, 1967 along with the attacks against Syria and Jordan due to the Military Alliance between the 3 Nations to “Wipe out” Israel, later joined by Iraq. The Entire Israeli Airforce barring 12 fighters, which were on duty to protect Israeli Air Space, destroyed the Egyptian and Jordanian Airforces completely, with every airplane destroyed on the ground itself. Syria was attacked later and half their airforce was demolished. This was followed by the ground strike in which Israel eventually captured Arab areas expanding itself to 26000 sq. miles from 8000 sq. miles!!! It was a stunning 6 day victory for the Israeli’s and led to the stoppage of Arab Menace. Many events have taken place since that war where Israel has unsuccessfully tried to convince the Palestine Leaders of accepting each other rather than fighting it out. Every Palestine defiance and continued attacks has led to Israel restricting the Palestine People to the Gaza strip and West Bank. (Check out the figure again)
After all this, I was forced to think and now I firmly believe that Israel is not at all doing anything immoral or unethical. I have great respect to these patriots, who throughout history have fought for their freedom and repelled injustice. Just because their leaders are able enough to defeat their enemies does not make them fascist, which is the current label the world community is trying to attach to them. They are brave enough to stand for truth and justice unlike our dear politicians. They know the limits of tolerance and the need of force if Freedom needs to be ensured. One of Israel’s Strategic Greats, Moshe Dayan had said, “Israel must always act like a mad dog. Better it is to be cruel in the eyes of the world rather than being harmed”. Now, how true this statement is. Throughout history, Israel was subjected to Arab oppression and aggression. If at this juncture, their intelligence agency Mossad is so strong that it can say with conviction that Anti – Israel weapons are being manufactured in the lands of their enemies, I consider it wise that they destroy such elements before the reach the Israel, this is foresight and not unwarranted aggression. It is foolish of us that we don’t attack these known terrorist camps in POK and Pakistan and go after these terrorists who are repeatedly maiming the social, cultural national fabric. There is nothing tolerant and peace loving in not attacking them. It is needed at this hour that we strike and finish off the terrorist elements before they cause any more damage, especially when it is known that they will get their hands on Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. The situation we face is quite similar to that faced by Israel but the only difference is that they have great patriotism as the undercurrent while we have cowardice and selfishness as ours. Nobody today dares to touch Israel, not the US nor the UN and neither anybody else. Why is it so? It is because this nation lives with no fear, death before dishonour policy. They have those damn guts to challenge anything that threatens their country. Where is the bravery of our ancestors gone? Where is that passion of freedom, love for the country and a vision to secure Bhaarat as the Superpower in the annals of world History gone. If not us, who is going to protect the country? Who is going to take it to the zenith? We are being looted, raped and attacked time and again. When will we stand up to change, look ahead and fight for the nation? Fighting does not necessarily mean at the border. It is our self doubt, laziness, cowardice and that stinking attitude “chalta hai” which needs to be fought. If one country named Israel can fight through years of insecurity and attacks from enemies and win over such elements to form a nation on core principles and values with a backdrop of national pride, why can this nation not do it? We lack self motivation and the faith that even 1 person can make the difference. Life is not about earning money alone, its about making the difference.
"Even if a person sitting in a cave in a remote place articulates a good thought and has faith in it, the thought percolates into other beings and helps the cause”
Swami Vivekananda
Now, going a step further to state, if even a thought can make a difference, then actions of self belief and true nature, for the national cause, definitely can. We, as youngsters, in current scenario might not be able to invade the political system effectively to implement our vision and patriotic ideas but by starting the procedure of change and thought exchange, there will come a time that the leaders of this great nation will be true Patriots and dedicated bunch of folks among us, or maybe even generations later but they will be there and they will love this nation truly and strive hard to make it a superpower. Good things always take time. They need perseverance and sacrifice for existence and execution. The full growth of a tree from a sapling takes many years while the cutting down action, takes hardly some time. But, in the end truth and goodness triumphs. History is evidence enough of the earlier statement and Israel the current example. I for one, believe that the tough get going when the going gets tough. I know for sure that this path of national pride and integrity is one with many obstacles. It involves ridicule, slander, dirty politics and all kinds of draconian tests and difficulties. But, the tougher it gets the tougher we do too. The immense satisfaction of giving whole heartedly to the nation is a big boon, a big prize. We would not have had such lives if someone had not fought for us. Life is about giving, its about sacrifice selflessly. Any difficulty can utmost destroy our bodies, they can never harm our souls. Defeat comes when accepted. Cowards run away form difficulties and truth. Its not in the nature of the brave to let injustice take absolute control, they will keep fighting, they will keep living free. For all of you, my friends, please don’t fall back, please realize the need of national unification and mass revolution of thoughts. We will lose this great country to selfishness, cowardice and injustice if we don’t act now. We need each other to work as a perfectly cohesive, well oiled unit, to shoulder the responsibility to take Bhaarat to its glory. Let us mould ourselves and prepare for the many battles to come, may they be by weapons, or by thoughts. Quoting Swami Vivekananda again, “Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is achieved”.
Let us not stop short of the goal of a free Bhaarat, a wise and united nation; a strong, powerful and peace loving nation. A nation of growth, prosperity and independence. Let us learn form Israel and show the same courage and national pride and integration that they have. I salute the Patriots of Israel. I hope that it continues to inspire me and my countrymen.
I will conclude for now with Veer Savarkar’s call to Freedom,
“Tuzasathi maran te Janana, tuzaveen janana te maran”
The line is in Marathi, which means “Dying for you (Freedom) is like living while life without you is equivalent to death”
Let us Fight....
Let us Live Free....
Jai Hind!
Its a must read for not only all Hindus but for all INDIANS!!
Great Job Chaitanya.Feeling proud of U!
Keep up the good work!!
Its for all Bhaaratiyas, very true.
Thanx for the appreciation and I was glad to see "jay hind" come before "jay maharashtra".
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