Now if you observe the image closely, there is this board covered with a poster regarding some political organisation, yatra and stuff which is absolutely of no interest to us. What intrigues me is the fact that the poster has been put up on a board which shows directions to various locations in Indore!
If observed carefully, a green coloured background can just be visible beyond the outer edges of the poster and particularly on the left side. This part even shows the tip of 2 arrowheads which point towards certain places! Believe me there were at least 10/15 instances where this was observed by me as we passed through the city. I clicked 1 for a souvenir and
moved on with our journey.
What can we say to such chaps now?
What are drivers expected to do? Start - Stop their cars and ask at every turning if a place is to be found?
What a fantastic example of insensitivity this is!!
Such people think this is the place to show off their fake love for Maharana Pratap and his bravery and love for the nation(as seen in the image). Is this patriotism?
Jeopardizing the travel of others and causing confusion, is that care for the nation and its people? Such kind of insensitivity percolates inside the minds of the pessimists who believe that no good can come out of the nation and turn a blind eye to what must be done.
True love for the nation is displayed by that soul who does not need to shout about it. He/She carries on with his duties towards the nation and spreading the message of national integration. Such careless attitude breeds insensitivity to the national cause and the need of the country to surpass all standards and overcome all hurdles.
Insensitivity in small matters leads to it being so in the greater ones. If we curse others for their behaviour regarding such matters are we clean on the same issue and ensure that the least trouble is caused to the nation by our actions and thoughts?
For example, if we keep the electric appliances powered on even after use are we not being insensitive to the current electric and power shortage faced by the country? (There is also this fact that it leads to high global warming)
How is the country going to grow up and be a superpower when such negligence is seen overwhelmingly?
For those of us who do forget to switch it off, don't we need to curb that memory lapse and improve?
For those who do not forget to switch off the appliances, we should pat our backs and move on with the job at hand!
Friends, small things decide our ability to handle big things. Attitude during even the least important aspects determine how we will act during matters of great importance.
"If a person can't be trusted for doing small things, you can very well be sure that he should not be trusted for the bigger things"
Albert Einstein
Its a fact that we need to refine ourselves. Introspect deep within and come up with a tool to chip away at such negatives of the human nature, society, the self and the nation to construct a future of great power and freedom.
There is a teaching of the Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80-20 principle, taught to Management students which states that "80% of the problems are caused by the 20% of the causes". All we need to do is identify the 20% major causes and the problem is half solved. It is just like the example of the nut. I heard this somewhere, I don't recollect where but the statement is ingrained in my mind, it goes as, "Every problem in life is like a nut, we just have to find the ridge where the nut is to be cracked and the matter is solved".
My dear countrymen, let us find the respective ridges of the problems in our lives, the problems faced by the nation and crack the nut!
Let us be sensitive to the national plight and do whatever is possible from us to help the cause of "Akhanda Bhaarat".
Jai Hind!
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