Should all of us just go and congratulate the HRD Ministry on its splendid decision. Wow!
This class is really brilliant! They really know how to destroy the education system and corrupt it!
This piece of news was right there in the newspapers but it does deserve a think over from all of us. There is a new recomendation from a HRD ministry panel to have 70% weightage to class XII marks and remaining 30% to an aptitude test to decide the top 40,000 students eligible to appear for the IIT-JEE.
Its just getting too much by the day. They tried to pull down the CBSE a year back to the level of the mediocre state board education system instead of striving to excel the State Board and now this.
I can just imagine the conversations going on between these officials-
O1: The system and students seem to be growing better.
O2: Oh Shit! Let us pull them down. This is not at all acceptable for the country. If it grows better the people and nation will benefit out of it. That has to be stopped.
O1: Yeah! You are right. Ok then, let us try this and corrupt the thoughts further.
I mean, common. All of us are well aware of what the system of state education is today. They teach how to get marks, but nobody is bothered about the concepts. It is 3 Idiots all over again! Its like a one track mindset. The ministry is brainwashing the students into mugging it up and spitting it out onto their papers to score. There is no value addition programme. Run the race, and that's it! Friends, such laws are killing the creativity of all of us and will do so to the next generation as well if not answered back. They will manufacture robots for the future so that they will have everything in their control as true education is feared since out of education comes awareness, out of awareness comes freedom, out of freedom comes the change for the good and thus the growth of the nation.
This step will result in the loss of the country to receive the best technical minds among the vast sea. The XII high scorers are not necessarily the best minds. Many a times, they just score out of mugging up the entire syllabus. They know how to score marks but that majority does not have focus on the concepts. In ample cases has it been observed that IIT toppers are not the state top scorers. They get into IIT because they are the best in technical analysis, knowledge and speed of those 4 lakh appearing every year for the JEE!
This is another disgraceful attempt to pull down the premier technology institutes of the country into the dirty gutters of state education. IIT's command respect among the students, its the elite institute group. There have definitely been past attempts to damage the symbol of excellence associated with the IIT's like this one and I am sure there will be a way out of it with the country's best interests in mind.
The new move would surely affect the influx of high quality into the IIT's. More mugging and less concepts, that looks the picture about the IIT when viewed on the backdrop of this dastardly attempt.
I fully back the anguish and anger of the IIT students and staff alike and support the cause to revert this decision.
Once again, the "Indian" system shows its the perfect example of the "Crab Phenomena". There is this tale about 10 crabs in a deep pit. These crabs had great pincers like every crab and could have easily climbed out of the pit 1 by 1. But every time 1 crab tried it the others would pull it down which resulted in no crab escaping out as against a simple possibility of all getting out! This is the "Crab Phenomena", a person just does not let anybody else prosper and pulls him down at every opportunity instead of raising himself to that level.
But hang on a minute, who or what is the system? Is it just those officials and staff etc etc or are we too a part of the system? Please refuse to feed the incorrect and damaging system. Let us perfect the system by perfecting ourselves. Do not forget my friends, that even you and me and the rest of us are part of the system.
To take an example consider a food recipe, salt might be a very small part of the entire recipe but it is very vital for its success. Same case, we might be a very small part of it but WE ARE A PART and that too, a vital one. We must not forget that. Our actions and thoughts can change the entire functioning of the nation.
"You are not only responsible for what you say but also for what you don't say"
Martin Luther King
Remember my fellow fighters, by not raising a voice against injustice, we are actually a party to it. We are responsible for what we don't say as well.
"If you are not a part of the solution, you are the problem"
Shiv Khera
Make a choice my friends, choose your destiny. Do you want to be a part of the solution or do you want to be the problem?
Jai Hind!
This class is really brilliant! They really know how to destroy the education system and corrupt it!
This piece of news was right there in the newspapers but it does deserve a think over from all of us. There is a new recomendation from a HRD ministry panel to have 70% weightage to class XII marks and remaining 30% to an aptitude test to decide the top 40,000 students eligible to appear for the IIT-JEE.
Its just getting too much by the day. They tried to pull down the CBSE a year back to the level of the mediocre state board education system instead of striving to excel the State Board and now this.
I can just imagine the conversations going on between these officials-
O1: The system and students seem to be growing better.
O2: Oh Shit! Let us pull them down. This is not at all acceptable for the country. If it grows better the people and nation will benefit out of it. That has to be stopped.
O1: Yeah! You are right. Ok then, let us try this and corrupt the thoughts further.
I mean, common. All of us are well aware of what the system of state education is today. They teach how to get marks, but nobody is bothered about the concepts. It is 3 Idiots all over again! Its like a one track mindset. The ministry is brainwashing the students into mugging it up and spitting it out onto their papers to score. There is no value addition programme. Run the race, and that's it! Friends, such laws are killing the creativity of all of us and will do so to the next generation as well if not answered back. They will manufacture robots for the future so that they will have everything in their control as true education is feared since out of education comes awareness, out of awareness comes freedom, out of freedom comes the change for the good and thus the growth of the nation.
This step will result in the loss of the country to receive the best technical minds among the vast sea. The XII high scorers are not necessarily the best minds. Many a times, they just score out of mugging up the entire syllabus. They know how to score marks but that majority does not have focus on the concepts. In ample cases has it been observed that IIT toppers are not the state top scorers. They get into IIT because they are the best in technical analysis, knowledge and speed of those 4 lakh appearing every year for the JEE!
This is another disgraceful attempt to pull down the premier technology institutes of the country into the dirty gutters of state education. IIT's command respect among the students, its the elite institute group. There have definitely been past attempts to damage the symbol of excellence associated with the IIT's like this one and I am sure there will be a way out of it with the country's best interests in mind.
The new move would surely affect the influx of high quality into the IIT's. More mugging and less concepts, that looks the picture about the IIT when viewed on the backdrop of this dastardly attempt.
I fully back the anguish and anger of the IIT students and staff alike and support the cause to revert this decision.
Once again, the "Indian" system shows its the perfect example of the "Crab Phenomena". There is this tale about 10 crabs in a deep pit. These crabs had great pincers like every crab and could have easily climbed out of the pit 1 by 1. But every time 1 crab tried it the others would pull it down which resulted in no crab escaping out as against a simple possibility of all getting out! This is the "Crab Phenomena", a person just does not let anybody else prosper and pulls him down at every opportunity instead of raising himself to that level.
But hang on a minute, who or what is the system? Is it just those officials and staff etc etc or are we too a part of the system? Please refuse to feed the incorrect and damaging system. Let us perfect the system by perfecting ourselves. Do not forget my friends, that even you and me and the rest of us are part of the system.
To take an example consider a food recipe, salt might be a very small part of the entire recipe but it is very vital for its success. Same case, we might be a very small part of it but WE ARE A PART and that too, a vital one. We must not forget that. Our actions and thoughts can change the entire functioning of the nation.
"You are not only responsible for what you say but also for what you don't say"
Martin Luther King
Remember my fellow fighters, by not raising a voice against injustice, we are actually a party to it. We are responsible for what we don't say as well.
"If you are not a part of the solution, you are the problem"
Shiv Khera
Make a choice my friends, choose your destiny. Do you want to be a part of the solution or do you want to be the problem?
Jai Hind!
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