About Me

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Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Loss by Chance, Win by Choice....

I came by an interesting story worth sharing and drawing inferences from. It goes as...
In an academic class of 100 students, the professor once announced that there would not be the conventional grading system henceforth. The tests will be conducted as per normal rules but the marking system will be different. He said that all students will have the same grade irrespective of his/her personal score. After the results are calculated, the scores will be averaged and the average score will be the score of each and every student. So, there might be a few 90% scores while a few 30% scores but both these classes will have the same grade and marks according to the new system.
Naturally, the high scoring and hard working students were disappointed while the low scoring students were elated. Of course, it is assumed here that the high scoring students are nowhere connected to the state education board!!
In the calendar year there were 4 tests. In the 1st test, the average score was 60%. Every student above 60% was dejected at his score and those below partied hard and enjoyed this unprecedented success. The 2nd test had the average score of 50%, then 40% for the 3rd and finally 30%, i.e. all failed for the last test.
Understanding the psychology of the students,

Monday, 28 June 2010

Ceasing by Cyanide : The Elusive Truth

"Whenever evil wins, it is by default. It is the moral failure of those who fail to understand that basic principles and ethics can't be compromised"
Ayn Rand

I thought I should start with one of my favourite quotes as it has a significant relevance in today's blog and life as well.
December 2/3 1984 was a fateful night for countless citizens of this country and for the generations to follow. The effects of the gas leak are seen even today. These effects go far beyond the bodily torture of those affected. It is the emotional and psychological pain which is the greater problem. There had been, was and will be an outcry and public demand for justice. But apprehending the people within the company is only a very small part of the actual solution. The problem is far greater than this. This is where comes the relevance of the first few lines of this blog. Warren Anderson and the others culprits escaped because WE LET THEM. The "few " politicians and beaurocrats involved did not understand Ayn Rand's quote. Warren Anderson is guilty, no doubt about it, but are we not too? There would not have been an incidence where a criminal, with a crime of such tremendous proportions, escapes the country had there been a proper system in place. But still, it happened. Why? Read on...

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Fueling Growth by Fueling Prices....

Economic and Political Sense prevails!
I appreciate the decision of the Union Government to decontrol petrol prices and hiking other fuel prices. I have read and heard many comments and remarks against this story and hence felt the need to share and discuss it with all of you on the blog.
I do not know whether this decision was selfish or selfless, whatever it was it is in the best interests of the nation.
There is a dialogue by Amitabh Bachchan in the movie Sarkar, "One should be able to foresee a future loss before the present day gains." This situation is similar.
Are we aware of what the Government goes through to provide fuels at subsidised rates? Are we aware that state run Oil Manufacturing Companies are running into severe losses because of the suppression of fuel prices till date? How many of us know that Reliance Industries and Essar had to shut down their retailing stores due to the huge differences in prices between their stores and state run retails? Take a scenario where we are vada pav vendors under government control. The total cost incurred to procure raw materials, cook and serve 1 vada pav is say Rs. 5/- and then the government issues directives where the max selling price be less than Rs. 5/-. So, we are in loss and would eventually shut it down, the only logical option then. How would we feel then? Would not there be resent in our hearts?
How many of us know that the gas supplied to us for cooking is nearly charged 50% (approximately Rs. 300/- which is subject to location and other factors) of its actual price (i.e nearly Rs 600/-)?

Friday, 25 June 2010

Crab Attack on Excellence....

Should all of us just go and congratulate the HRD Ministry on its splendid decision. Wow!
This class is really brilliant! They really know how to destroy the education system and corrupt it!
This piece of news was right there in the newspapers but it does deserve a think over from all of us. There is a new recomendation from a HRD ministry panel to have 70% weightage to class XII marks and remaining 30% to an aptitude test to decide the top 40,000 students eligible to appear for the IIT-JEE.
Its just getting too much by the day. They tried to pull down the CBSE a year back to the level of the mediocre state board education system instead of striving to excel the State Board and now this.
I can just imagine the conversations going on between these officials-

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Not for Christ....

My casual search on the net for good articles to read has led me to another national issue which I believe deserves utmost priority. It reaffirms the fact of division among us and how the rift is widening.
The Catholic Church's interference and influence is growing in our country. After Nagaland and Mizoram, Manipur is the the new offering at the feet of Jesus Christ. Christian Missionaries are out to convert people of the country, especially from the 7 sister states to Christianity. Put a cross around the neck and that's it you are a Christian and that is how the conversion takes place. The Church is only interested in numbers and they do not care for core values and ideals nor do they care about the people. Huge amount of money and gifts are transported across the seas; the poor locals in the 7 sister states are provided with food, clothes and other goods and in return are asked to convert to Christianity by feeding them with the thought that Christ cares for them unlike any other God. It looks as human service externally but what of the crooked intentions within?

The Red Warning....

I happened to get this piece of news from a Chinese news channel, do check out the link whose catchphrase I have posted below and we can go further. (Xinhua Report of Firing at RS Pura)
In the news article, it does not surprise me that there has been a firing incidence. Well, that is what the Pakistani Army always does for 3 reasons according to me.
1)     Covering Fire is provided for insurgents to get into our nation.
2)     “Khaaz” in Marathi. They have been brought up in a mindset that we are their enemies.
3)     They must be testing Uncle Sam’s bullets and weapons!!
Had even 10% of the funds they receive from the US been used for their nation’s growth we would have seen a better neighbour, a better nation. No wonder the country is imploding like it is now with a 24.38% inflation rate seeing as all their money has been used against us rather than developing their nation.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Blazing at 92....

A very interesting and inspiring experience I had a few months back which I recollect "now" thanks to my mediocre memory!
I live on my college campus. I have been accommodated in the Old Age home of our college's founding institute as there had been a vacancy there.
The incidence goes as-

Friday, 18 June 2010

RTI: Power of Truth

RTI, Right to Information, the formidable tool in the hands of the people of Bhaarat is catching momentum nowadays.
RTI empowers the citizens to question, check and counter any action of a government offical in government offices and the related ones.
Please friends, visit the link whose catchphrase I have posted and do check it out.It will surely help you to get acquainted with the RTI and its use. (the link catchphrase is "RTI FAQ")
The article is self explanatory and illuminates the mind to a great extent about the RTI.
Its an important weapon in the war for truth I believe and all of us should at least be aware of the power we possess as we can't tell when we will need to use it for this great fight we are in!
I have observed that Raj Thackeray makes great use of this act to prove his point time and again. This should act as an inspiration to all of us, and this is hardly Rs. 10/- for it, easily we can sacrifice a cold coffee if times demand!
I would like to put up another good news, not related to the RTI but very well important for all of us to know and be proud off.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Learning What is Not Taught

There are many bad stories doing the rounds currently and hence when I read a piece of good news it brightened me up.
I'll be posting the link where I happened to read it later but basically its an inspiration story derived from the 3 Idiots.
Many of us have watched the movie. Unfortunately for the nation, when asked what we liked the most about the movies some common answers have been Chatur's Speech, The last reunion scene, Rancho's Parody of the director, the scene where Pia is drunk in Rancho's room and many more. We enjoyed the hilarious movie which is at times said to be comedy. But is that movie only a comedy movie or we can take away something from it? Something of great substance and implement it in our lives?

Monday, 14 June 2010

Insensitivity on Display....

I was at Indore today morning and the following image was clicked by me. Check it out carefully and we'll talk about it.

Now if you observe the image closely, there is this board covered with a poster regarding some political organisation, yatra and stuff which is absolutely of no interest to us. What intrigues me is the fact that the poster has been put up on a board which shows directions to various locations in Indore!
If observed carefully, a green coloured background can just be visible beyond the outer edges of the poster and particularly on the left side. This part even shows the tip of 2 arrowheads which point towards certain places! Believe me there were at least 10/15 instances where this was observed by me as we passed through the city. I clicked 1 for a souvenir and

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Israeli Inspiration....

We witnessed an international outcry after the Israeli attack on the Gaza bound Turkish Freedom Flotilla. Most of the significant countries opposed to the act. Protests in Egypt, Syria, Jordan among many other nations along with Pakistan condemned the act terming it to be human rights violation and an encroachment upon the fundamental right to freedom and justice. It was extremely funny and ironic to watch Pakistanis protest and use english words like justice, right to freedom, respect, which they don’t fully understand nor implement!

Traveling way back in history to understand the Israeli cause and why the situation is what it is today -