About Me

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Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Washington & Wahab....

"If you visit USA and wish to carry back a souvenir to your nation, you'd either have to carry back a missile or a satellite."

The above quote speaks volumes of a nation, its economy and hence its policies. This will form the core of today's blogpost. I had originally intended the post in the immediate aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Time did not permit but for a good reason - a few more events followed globally which aids the content of this blogpost; namely - Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah's death, Barack Obama's R-Day visit to India and the continued fall of oil prices globally. In the past few months, global leaders as a collective unit have been asked a few deep questions by recent events. Some of them aced those questions while most of them succumbed to political correctness and fallacies of human nature - to cling on to a desired object. While there are many nations and its many leaders, the ones which move global policy are the ones which matter the most and hence this blogpost.

Going back to the quote earlier, it is no secret that USA's economy is largely dependent on arms supplies globally forming a policy defining volume of its exports and dealings (political and economical). Hence, wars or strifes or violence globally is necessary for US exports of arms, equipment, defence and space supplies. Like we were an Agrarian Economy till recently to move towards a Service based one since the recent past, US is well known to be a War Economy tracing its roots to the days of World War I. Thus the quest for oil (towards domestic functioning) and the quest for customers to its armed equipments have guided USA's political and economic policies since time immemorial. It led them to intervene in numerous global conflicts and in fact, more often than not, make it more bloodier and messier. It happened when they intervened in Afghanistan in the late 80s that led to the birth of Taliban, the breaking up of the Soviet and marked the inflection point for exponential increase in Sunni Islamic Terrorism. Parallelly so, Bin Laden's Al Qaeda grew at the grand daddy of Wahabism - Saudi Arabia - and expanded further as the US policy to incite wars and trigger violence and then sell to both sides gained heavy traction to complement the inherent violent tendencies of Wahabism and Sharia. From the point there on, it spread its tentacles engulfing the Arab world and affecting social lives where ever Islam had a say and notably so in South East Asia - India and Pakistan being prime targets though the latter only became a target after a point of time when Sunni or Wahab extremists only had Shias and other Islamic sects to murder. With the global call of Wahab preachers and executioners grew to Islamize the world, Saudi Arabian roots of terrorism dwarfed against the extent to which the monster would spread. Terrorism grew, now not only in Arabia or South East Asia, but reached Europe - a continent conscious of demographic planning and resource management. What followed next was brutal dismembering of the demographic planning as immigration grew in Europe for want of better lives to a point today where statistics pointing out that the entire Europe is on the verge of becoming an Islamic continent by 2050 (Ref: Muslim Europe: the demographic time bomb transforming our continentWill Europe Be A Muslim Continent By Mid-Century? and Muslim Demographics). After the London, Madrid, Paris and Oslo bombings/attacks in the past decade, European Nations at least woke up to the possibility of a monster rearing in their backyards. Videos and Propaganda were released connecting demographics, immigration, economics and sociology to the rise of violence and death in an otherwise serene continent known for its natural beauty of the countryside and the artistic infrastructure of the cities. Europe was and is changing - "Eurabia" is nearly there!

Not to forget, while all this happened over the past 25-30 years and more, USA's business grew leaps and bounds - everywhere, everyone was at war ! US was laughing its way to the bank. On one hand US Presidents were busy invading nations for oil but under the garb of defeating terrorism, and on the other busy dealing and selling the same terrorists guns and ammo (directly or indirectly - hardly matters). We thought that the 9/11 attacks would change global perception on terrorism, but it did not. India was still ignored for its appeal to jointly realize the menace of terrorism and nix it in the bud by specific targeting of terrorism hubs - Pakistan and Saudi Arabia; the former for its high utility as a counterweight to India and the latter as the second largest exporter of Crude after Russia (Cold War hostilities not withstanding in unspoken demarcation as "an enemy of the west") being the ideal partner to be dealing with albeit the recent economic attack the Saudi Kingdom has mounted on American Oil Producers by keeping supplies high and hence halving the per barrel prices. So while terrorism grew, so did American Economy and businesses - to a nation gripped with consumerism, materialism and "the dream", it did not matter much what happened in the other half of the world as it stood guarded by the Pacific from the west and the Atlantic from the East.

In search of oil, US invaded and mutilated quite a few nations (looked the other way as its oppressive dictators continued to abuse power and their own people just because a sweet deal was struck with the power bearers); dollar denominations of crude exports gave the US$ unprecedented and limitless power - today, a scrap of paper printed at will by The Federal Bank represents value which is not there in reality; effectively engulfing the world economy and is now akin to a pack of cards - while every economist and leader of the globe knows the truth, the bluff can't be called for the world comes crashing down if done - US has succeeded in exporting its problems to the globe, completely. Now they sit pretty after starting production through Shale.

It is Washington who provided the sunlight and the fertilizers for the monster crop of terrorism to grow on the fertile lands of Wahab and Sharia dominated Islamic world with its propensity for violence and bulldozing of global harmony. Like a doting gardner, it is Washington which has led us as an entire globe on the precipice of annihilation as the heat wave has now completely covered Europe and Asia; only a huge chunk of water (along with tight Homeland and Immigration policies) stops it from burning the "the land of dreams".

All this put together and the contrast of world leaders' responses vis-a-vis the murders at Charlie Hebdo and the death of the tyrant King Abdullah (Ref: Sumedha Sarvadaman Facebook and Saudi King praise), it is ironic that the only leaders calling the spade a spade are the ones who are placed most dangerously on one front or the other, i.e. Vladimir Putin of Russia (for his bold remarks on Islamic Terrorism in spite of the current context of US sanctions for involvement in Ukraine; add to that the Russian Economy's approx. 60% dependence on crude exports and its subsequent price fall leading to a near certain shrinkage in its GDP and the demolition of the Rouble) and the other being Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu entrusted with the survival and growth of his people amidst the continuous threat of murder from all sides of the dagger like nation, Thank you Iron Dome ! It is truly sad that leaders like Merkel, Hollande and others are busy being politically correct as their nations stand threatened by the most potent human challenge mankind has ever faced and has now morphed into the advanced version of a coalition comprising of the ISIS-Boko Haram-Taliban + Nexus.

The world over, when are all these nations (including eastern powers of India, China and Japan) going to hold US accountable for its faults, for its greed and for its extreme selfishness? When are the nations going to question Washington over its continued policies of weakening global defenses as a zero-sum towards its own material benefit and development. Would we still have our voices to question Washington after being Islamized into subversion? With Europe grappling with its own humongous problems, the only democracy with a mass economically self sustainable, is India. China is depleting - demographically and economically. Communist and hardened regimes have crushed the spiritual strength that keeps the flame burning and the mantle for global resurgence and holding those to be held accountable has come to the doorstep of India. Modi meets Obama today and shares the stage tomorrow at our Republic Day. I can pray and hope (and believe), that things have to start falling in place and US has to cease funding terrorists on one hand and pretending to fight them on the other - for it will be too late for us to wait until terrorism is embedded in America - it would have become curtains to the European and Eastern world by then. The two nations that would matter the most in the fight against Islamic Terrorism in the years to come are coincidentally so, two "I"'s - India and Israel. The economic leveraging both nations can achieve and hence influence America - with a loving word or with the tough scowl, will determine the politics and lives of the entire globe. I, most certainly, am aware that foreign policy and global mechanisms are not as easy as flicking a switch ON; at the same time, if not done - there won't be anyone to flick anything, anywhere. My point is, leaders privy to information, resources and power have to take a stand; minuscule it might be the difference, but there is a difference in potential damage, done now and done never. US Secretary of State's recent clarification on Pakistan not being certified to receive funds bodes well for us and marks a "tick" - Modi and Doval are on the move - but it has to snowball globally. We got its indication at Modi's UN address - my hopes are high.

The question now is, "When will the others join Putin, Netanyahu and Modi?"

Jai Hind!