About Me

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Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Love you, my Prime Minister ....

In a village somewhere distant there was a wise and educated farmer whose field produced much more than those adjacent with the same weather and soil. His peers always wondered what he did different and sought his counsel; the benevolent farmer taught them the technique he used, gave them the seeds he sowed and the technology that worked for him. In the fair a few months later, all farmers shared the success and credited their crop to the wise one. The surprised management gurus asked the wise one, how come he could violate the market laws and help competitors. The wise one replied, "These are pollens which are carried across great distances by nature; a bad crop in my neighbourhood, damages my field too and hampers my productivity."

Whatever still-vocal-remaining NaMo critics, haters or baiters (or at least some of them) are out in daggers over his actions of inviting SAARC leaders and especially the Pakistani PM and showcasing how it is a contradiction by the PM designate. I guess they fail to understand this simple tale then! Maybe it is not a failure in understanding - I certainly don't find this bunch as stupid to miss this point. They want Modi to be trigger happy so that they can proudly claim 'we-told-you-so' !! All the allegations against Modi start assuming the form of truth which the pseudo secular Hinduphobic class has tried very hard to do for the past 12-13 years.

According to me, for the following simple and straightforward reasons can no one construe the PM swearing-in ceremony invitation as hypocrisy:

1. It is a group invitation to ALL members of SAARC; even hypothetical omission of Sharif was diplomatically, grossly in-appropriate.
2.  Modi has always stood for co-operation and synergistic benefit; he has always stood for a foreign policy based on mutual economic prosperity which does not need arms to be used and arms would merely act as deterrents against the trouble makers and rabble rousers; so there is nothing to be alarmed or surprised about, or even angry about.
3. I can't stress this enough -- such an action gives enough ammunition to label Modi as a Hindutva Hardliner and as one Pakistani "gentleman' said it on live news, a Muslim Hater, again; NaMo is not going to fall for that, is he? He has proved the whole world that he is 10 steps ahead of all his haters and his goal is as clear as crystal.

Neither am I in love with Pakistan, but nor do I want a war with it - I want healthy development in my nation and for that, Pakistan needs to be stable. NaMo is not a maniac or a fanatic; finally after 10 long years is a PM who understands the game of diplomatic chess and can play it too along with truly living inclusiveness instead of pretending like others. Modi has literally put forth a Hobson's choice for Sharif. He has started playing the game before he officially takes over and is also making the right noises - whether it be East or West - the music which needs to be played either side of the Indian Subcontinent. Even before he has become PM, he has started working - whether it be the super ministries, or the team to recover black money, or the check on recent terrorist attack on Indian Consulate in Afghanistan or the notices to all bureaucrats to prepare presentations regarding delivery and vision. While all this happens, we as citizens can stand rest assured that no more will a soldier's death go unanswered - in true sense, the Politician, The Leader of the mould of Saam-Daam-Bhed-Danda.

I hope the NaMo baiters realize soon, he is a different breed and he is indeed a once-in-a-century man. Whatever the pre-election and campaign animosities, a humble appeal to all - please be patient and co-operative; no one needs to rap him for anything, a Karma Yogi constantly evaluates himself. He's here and he is gonna do what all of us expect him to do. I am not saying those who have intensely disliked him should now love him, but there are enough examples like Madhu Kishtwar who performed that flip - from hater to supporter, with careful and strict evaluation of the man. NaMo has recently released his Gujarat Evaluation of 13 years and his insistence to put himself up for scrutiny enables us to challenge him like we haven't challenged anyone before. I can truly understand the frustration and angst of my fellow countrymen who battled very hard to stop him; but now that he is here, I hope all of them have it in their heart to support him for the greater good. The man has already moved our emotions when he first set foot inside the Temple of Democracy; his words brought tears down our eyes - what more do we need as a proof of his genuine intentions, his determined attitude and his super-human capability?

Bhaarat is changing for the better; those who have vehemently opposed him in the past still have two choices, to be a part of this changing Bhaarat under NaMo or to just taste the sweet fruits of the outcome as you cling on to the pre-conceived notions of NaMo being a whole host of things he is not. No more is about Tamil sentiments or pseudo secular pretentious snobbishness nor about extremist religious groups, it is about Bhaarat now.

Great Start NaMo, even before you officially begin! I look forward to the coming age; I look forward to a time when my soldier does not go through the apathy of the Government of the Day; I look forward to a time when you vindicate our aspirations and our faith in your beliefs and in the vision you set for us as our supreme leader. I look forward to wonderful times of strife, of challenge, of pain and of peace; I look forward to all that you are going to teach me through your actions, your words and your emotions; and I would look forth for a time when I contribute further to our great cause as I answer Swami-ji's clarion call to the youth of this nation. After 10 very long years, I can once again say, what I am sure would be a feeling of many as they had for Atal-ji, "I love you, my Prime Minister, I love you from the bottom of my heart; in the highest office of this great nation you occupy, please don't let my mother be dishonoured, insulted and raped ever again; for another son of hers will rise to punish the criminals and save her if it happens."

May Maa Bhaarti always protect you, guide you and strengthen you.

Jai Hind!


Sunnygodu said...

Chaitanya you and many a youth are with NAMO. Let us also get together irrespective of our inherent diversity of all types and work for our beloved Ma Bharati in any and all ways possible. VANDE MATARAM.

श्रीपाद said...

Very well put, Chaitanya!

Ramkrishna Apsingekar said...

Proud to say! Yatha Raja Tatha Praja....India will change...Indians will rise!A change back into its originality not something new....
a rise back to the source not somewhere else!