Disclaimer: Friends, there have been extremely emotional responses vis-a-vis the latest gang-rape incident in Delhi. The blog is based on it but no particular incident has been earmarked as the foundation of this blog. The details and personalities will vary and have no connection to real life people. The views presented are to be seen in a general light and not case specific unless otherwise mentioned. As any person will be, I was pained too to hear what had happened. The attempt of this blog is not to condemn or criticize - may it be the criminals, the government, the police, the media or us fellow citizens. The purpose of this blog is to make a few statements and ask a few questions; I will call it thought provocation because as an individual, as a patriot, as a living being, (I am careful enough not to be arrogant and say "as a human being" for I have received ample proof that animals are more capable of love, mercy and compassion - which I guess Derek O' Brien disagrees with!) I am merely requesting my fellow countrymen to think over these statements in a hope that these statements and their subsequent follow-ups will help the readers as they have helped me. My intention is not to hurt any sentiments involved but to ask a few blunt questions which need not be answered publicly because I believe that those answers work best which are directed to the self's soul.
I find Ratna Kapur's article in The Hindu as one of the best as far as this incident is concerned.
Rape is defined as "to destroy and strip of a possession"; the blog is my take on what has been raped, who has been raped and who exactly have raped.
I find Ratna Kapur's article in The Hindu as one of the best as far as this incident is concerned.
Rape is defined as "to destroy and strip of a possession"; the blog is my take on what has been raped, who has been raped and who exactly have raped.