About Me

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Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Escaping the Matrix (part II) ....

Continued from Escaping the Matrix (part I) ....

In this 2nd part of the blog, I present my views about the concept of the Matrix as I understand it. Please go through part I before continuing. For readers who have not seen the movies - I have presented a short summary of the Trilogy in part I.

"The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves. But if we look at our lives, we will see that most of the time we do things just to please others. The worst part is that most of us are not aware that we are not free."
Don Miguel Ruiz

I believe that there is a same undercurrent in this life of ours as has been depicted in the movies. Now, instead of a giant Matrix seen in the movie, I believe all of us are plugged into cascading matrices with differing levels of power. The matrices differ not only in the power but also on the grounds of influence and intensity.

The first Matrix which all of us are plugged into is the self matrix. All of us have certain notions and misconceptions about ourselves. No human is perfect is the rule of nature and hence exists the self matrix. Using our imaginations, wishes, dreams and most importantly opinions of others about ourselves, we construct the self matrix. The self matrix is an image of ourselves the way we want to be in real life. There is a great difference between what a man is, what a man wants to be and what a man eventually becomes. To illustrate the self matrix, I take one of my favourite examples - smoking. Each smoker knows and comprehends the truth - smoking is injurious to not only his/her health but also fatal to those around him/her (passive/indirect smoking). But because of the immense pleasures smoking offers, smokers prefer ignoring the health hazards and convince their minds that all is well while some accept the consequences and falsely believe that they would be the exceptions to nature's laws. This is 1 example and thus there can be many. We can be fearless but are infact afraid of some or the other thing; we might be proud but in reality are vain and selfish and so on so forth. Thus, all those things in the world which we know are right or which we want to be as a person but are not, we put it into the self matrix which is a pseudo image of ourselves constructed to console ourselves during many a life's moments. It is this matrix which we find comforting instead of reality.

The next matrix is the relational matrix. This type deals with any form of one-to-one relation with another living being. We create an image of a person we are related to in this kind of matrix. The image we construct is indeed based upon our interactions, perceptions and knowledge of the said person but many a times we make the mistake of 'assuming' certain qualities of an individual and that is where we make our biggest mistake; I have made it and that too quite a few times before I went on to realize the importance of understanding someone truly before forming a concrete image i.e. keeping the mud wet while I have interacted through the years. We can keep on making changes as we move along in the relationship but any change must not be concrete or based on half knowledge as that leads to a misunderstanding. That is why, I term it a matrix comparable to the movies as it is guided by illusions. One of the most common examples one can take for a relational matrix is as follows - X loves her husband Y to the hilt; who is a very successful investment banker in a big firm with all the possible luxuries of life and has provided them to X; he also supports her and understands her. Inspite of all this, Y cheats on X all the time with his girlfriend. Even after receiving ample proof, X is unwilling to accept Y's betrayal of her trust. Why? She does it as she does not want to sacrifice the plush and comfortable life she is leading. She does not want to break this relation and tread into the uncertain murky future without a strong support and a comfortable life; but she still feels the pain and is angry of her husband's behaviour so she builds herself a relational matrix where she modifies this small data about Y and presto - she has a beautiful, satisfactory and loving relationship! This way she can escape the pain (only till a certain time mind it, i.e. when karma would force her to look at the reality!) and also enjoy a life she wants - at the "small" expense i.e of truth. Such kinds of instances are not uncommon and upon close observation we can see them around us in plenty. The common reason for their existence is the fact that change is an extremely painful process; Truth hurts a lot.

The last type is the global matrix. This matrix is pertaining to our images of different communities, classes, religions, faiths, castes, regions, states and countries. Once again, as stated above, any misconception about any of the above mentioned groups is the minute part of the data which a matrix comprises of. The global threat of terrorism (breeding of terrorists by brain washing, false propaganda, conceit and force); the adamant nature of Brahmins regarding re-conversions or their attitude towards dalits way back in history or their arrogance to not allow education to other classes; the reservation systems in our country; the multiple invasions many countries had to face; the enmity between certain countries - these all are examples of global matrices. Thus, the construction of data regarding any particular group which is based on falsehoods and formed to achieve selfish gains and motives which may either be to please oneself or others or to capture and stay in power etc can be termed as the global matrix.

These 3 types of matrices make up, what I would like to call, the master matrix. Socrates had once said, "My mind constructs an image of you and vice versa; then these images perceive and form interactive images of each other and finally the interaction takes place at the 3rd level." Was he not referring to the theory of matrices? All of us are engaged in this process - you, me and the rest but what can really differentiate a man is whether he is plugged into this matrix of falsehood or not? If yes, has he realized the truth and is he fighting to get out or settle more deeply into it simply because it offers much less pain than reality and change? If no i.e. if he has broken free of the Matrix, can he handle that great power and freedom? Thus, this world of ours is made up of innumerable cascading matrices or we can call a mesh of matrices of different types and strengths. Some say that it is this illusion which keeps us alive and breathing as they believe that world is harsh and cruel; this reality would crush mankind and all life forms along with it. Are we not underestimating ourselves when we conform to this opinion? We are not fully aware of what we can do; we don't fully comprehend our strengths, our tolerance levels and potentials and hence many a times choose to stay trapped in the matrix. This is exactly where evil runs amok. Just like the virus Smith, it can change and alter all the parameters of the master matrix and we happily allow it to. By constructing matrices for ourselves, we allow a free rein to injustice, to greed and to selfishness. I have been ridiculed when I speak so but I fail to understand, what sin is it to dream of perfection? What sin is to to believe one can be a part of a revolution to build the nation of one's dreams? It signals the will to achieve absolute liberation from the master matrix. It might not be possible in a single lifetime and that is why they are dreams! They need time, many years and millennia probably, still, I love to! Escaping does take a lot of efforts and sacrifices; it involves a lot of pain, hardships and tortures but despite it all, I have enjoyed this journey till now and to truly escape would be still a long way to go, but I would still love to do that and will because I have been taught that this is how great men are made, great legacies are established and great nations are eternalized.

Jai Hind!

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