Firstly, Happy Diwali to all of you my friends.
May this Diwali, God bolster your strength and give you courage and freedom to survive against all odds and fight against all challenges and grow better and better!
Since the past 2 days a 38 yr old lady from Manipur named Irom Sharmila Chanu, dubbed "The Iron Lady" by our dear media, is in the spotlight as far as the news reports are concerned. She has been on a 10 year hunger strike against the AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) in Manipur after an incident on 2nd Nov 2000 in which 10 Manipuri citizens were killed by the Indian Army while retaliating against a militant attack at Malom the same day. Now nearly every news report from different channels/papers is singing the praises of this woman. They have criticized the Indian Army and are drawing attention to this lady and how much she has suffered. Has the media or the activist wing ever wondered how much the Army goes through?
It is easier to spread one's hands and seek sympathy, one gets it; it is much difficult to take up arms and fight against the enemy.
Let me put it this way - Long back, relatives of passengers travelling by air were allowed to be present right upto the airplane to see off the passengers. Taking advantage of this rule, people sneaked in drugs for smuggling. Now, after this episode, the relatives were restricted to the lounge but then arms were carried and terrorist activities were experienced and now we have the rule that only passengers with air tickets are allowed into the airports. Even wet grass catches fire at times along with the dry one. Now if that is nature, who are we to oppose? The crucial point here is, someone bends the rule and all others have to pay for it and that is how life goes. To put in in the software terms, if a virus cannot be found and deleted from the system, an entire disk format has to be undertaken to solve the issue. Nowhere would I say that the killing of citizens is justified but I will not be critical about the actions of the Army in hunting and exterminating dreaded terrorists. I believe that they will not purposefully kill citizens just for the sake of it.
It certainly is a sad thing that the citizens were killed in the earlier mentioned incident involving the fight between our forces and the insurgents but then, no armed movement can ever be carried out without local support. The human rights activists shout and cry when the citizens are killed. I will ask where were they when the insurgents invaded the local houses? Who was it to support and feed the terrorists? Who offered them shelter? May it be out of free will or by force both of it stand as crime and treason. Infact, the latter one is more so. There is no 1 man responsible and neither are all devils. It is the natural rule, the society has to pay for the crime of one if that 1 man/organisation can't be hunted down straight away.
It is utter neglect from the centre which is the prime reason for the breakdown of national integrity in the north east and Kashmir. But while that is happening, how can we expect the Army to fight out such harsh circumstances without the legal cover of the AFSPA? The Army's sole purpose should have been to protect the borders of Hindustaan from foreign threats but unfortunately they are dragged into these internal conflicts and insurgent attacks thanks to the total incompetance of the government and the actions in the troubled regions.
If the Human rights activists and the media wan't to have a go at someone, it is better they find out who is responsible rather than pointing the finger at the Indian Army; be it in Kashmir or be it in the North East. It takes supreme valour to fight against cruel enemies, cut off from one's family and living in trying conditions. It is not easy to wake up every day with a high possibility of being dead tomorrow. If you wan't to rebel and revolt, do so against those who do not uphold human rights; human rights of freedom and of equality. Rebel against those who do not discharge their duties when at the helm of this nation. A single Kalmadi or Chavan or Pawar is responsible for more damage to this nation as compared to the Indian Army put together! Ensure such criminals are brought to book rather than berating those Armed Forces.
Where there is power, there will be it's abuse upto a certain extent. Unfortunately, this is the truth of human nature. I will not claim that the Indian Army is a flawless machine. It will have its flaws and a share of its failures. There will certainly be elements who take unfair advantage of the mechanisms but the truth shall remain that it is because of the vast force of the Indian Army that we are alive today. The AFSPA is a necessary tool to this fight for keeping our incomplete independence. Without it, we would be asking our soldiers to fight with their hands tied behind their backs. Every activist wants to express solidarity with Irom Sharmila, but none feel there is a necessity to express solidarity with the Indian Army. I am disappointed of this harsh reality. In the fight between multiple groups, may it be these activists or the government or we the people, it is always the Armed forces including the Police, CRPF etc who are caught in between.
Even if I term Sharmila's act as sympathy seeking and one which goes against the principles of Bhagavad Geeta, i.e. abandoning living, I will accept that it needs a tough resolve to give up food for 10 years. She has succeeded in her aim to draw attention to what is happening around her in Manipur.
When sympathy seeking is the dictum of today's world and when the activists and media highlight a fight against the symptoms rather than the the real problem, I would take this opportunity to once again salute those great men and women of the Armed Forces who are forgotten time and again despite the courage and bravery they epitomize and display. It is our tribute to them lest we forget that we have lost most of our North Eastern regions to the Missionaries and their other arm - the terrorists who wield weapons to support breaking this nation into bits; lest we forget that we have a purpose to integrate these regions wholly with our dear Hindustaan; lest we forget that we owe a debt to the army and the nation of which we all are a part....
a very good article.. and very true also.. the same thing is going on about kashmir.. the armed forces are always portrayed as demons who violate human rights of common people.. but when it comes to the human rights of millions of kasmiri pandits who are refugees in their own country, the media is silent...
Moreover, in kashmir, or north east, what india is facing is close to war and not some tea party... such incidents are bound to happen.. they should be discouraged for sure, but that doesn't mean, that media can defame army all the time.. the armed forces sacrifice their lives for us... a grand salute to them...
Well said, it s indeed a war...
and 1 thng which I forgot 2 mention in the blog....lets talk abt human duties b4 v talk abt human rights..
well said.... :)
This was posted before the wikileaks report of the ICRC to the US Ambassador. I am for the protection of troops and against the protection of rapists, murderers and torturers. If it were necessary for AF(SP)A to allow troops to do their job, then why has it never been sought against the naxalites. Instead the armed forces have secured the right to use sidewards mounted machine guns from helicopter gunships invoking only the right of self-defence.
As for keeping silent about UG abuses. Once AF(SP)A is repealed I shall marry Sharmila, build a peace ashram in Manipur. We neither of us are afraid to die.
If the problem is one of double standards I can see how that might upset you. I do not protect rapists and murderers whatever uniform they have or if they have none. This is a law passed by His Imperial Majesty King George to protect the jewel in the crown from the Japanese. I am not suggesting everything the British did was wrong but some things were. This law does not belong in peace time India.
She's not having an pseudo-intellectual discussion about the gita although she was inspired by it. The GOI now say they wish to change AF(SP)A following all the recommendations of jurists you can check the commissions if you know how to use google.
It's disappointing to read criticism but if most Indians did not feel this way about the NE and J&K there would not be two laws one for mainland India and one for those areas called disturbed since Independence. One day democracy will come to Manipur.
Maybe read and meditate more on the gita, this was not well said, unbecoming one who follows the path.
Ten people were standing at a bus-stop in Malom, when Assam Rifles officers perpetrated a drive-by shooting. No idea about your level of education but take a random cross-section of a society, this group of ten the minimum for Chi-Square analysis, one elderly woman, one pregnant woman, one presidential bravery award youth.
The gita cannot be summed up in one line. If it could we would have one line. Others try with karma yoga or nishkama karma. Have you read Gandhi-ji's meditations. He lives the Gita in community. It's one way.
You sound like rich Indians the 20% who progressed from villages and the provinces and have no love for India, or the 80% on whom you live. Karma does not work in the simplistic way of cause and effect even a rat learns quickly by that method. But until you have experienced suffering, more of life, you will not understand how ignorant you are.
These things are matters of degree. You can have awakening without compassion but compassion brings awakening. You do not see because you do not love. And no I cannot give you words to make you fall in love fool. It's a pity though you don't so reluctantly as you despise it also you have my sympathy.
@ Mr. Mar Dezie :
It was quite trying to read your english (Please take blogging seriously; you have two blogspot addresses and over 300 blogs, it is not a joke to write, at least make your blogs legible if not perfect) but I will try and answer point wise of what I have inferred from your comments. Before I begin, An advice for you - be specific. Explicitly state what you mean and do not skew about the whole matter. Plus, don't use words (eg. chi square) just to make the whole thing attractive.
1) If you mean 'This law' to imply the AFSPA; I would like to correct you that no George ever had a say about it. The Indian Parliament passed it in 1958.
2) Your comment suggests that I am, like you, for the British regime and let me put it this way - It sucked! Big time. The imperial rule robbed my nation a lot.
3) You speak of the law and it has no place in peaceful India; I say, even if you have heard the great name Swatantryaveer Savarkar (I don't think you have, given the fact that you have been praising Gandhi and his weak ways), you will know that to guarantee peace you have to make war and guard your regions with utmost ruthlessness against any oppressor. (Take the Chinese Invasion of 1962 which cost us a lot when the words were not taken seriously)
4) You mention ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) and that alone gives a fair idea of your mindset that all can be just done fine by non-violence and silent protest. Freedom needs blood; Shri Krishna did not ask Arjuna to sit down and pray that the Kauravas will surrender!!
5) Karma is cause and effect; Newton's third law, maybe that will appeal to you!
6) Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. I show the door to suffering; I have never entertained it in my life and I never will. I take and welcome pain as that keeps me going. I have not witnessed by my own eyes what goes on in the troubled waters but I surely breathe for Hindustaan and consider all of it my own.
7) About the attack, do you mean to say that the soldiers were strolling by and opened fire on civilians (Definitely the soldiers are not that stupid to dig their own graves for no god-damn reason!)?? Give me the probability of that happening!
To finish, I have already stated that the Army is not a flawless machine; at the same time I have the damn respect that makes me say, "Thanx Friends! It is because of you that I own myself and we have kept our arses!"
Don't shout about human rights, if you don't understand human duties.
There has been utter neglect towards the NE and Kashmir from the centre but that does not mean that the AFSPA must be repealed. Two mistakes don't make a right!
I already know that I am ignorant - I have a lot to learn!
The only inference which I can claim to be certain from both of your comments put together is your belief that I am a fool and don't love my country. Go try some other blog to impress that - Livin' Free does not entertain it.
Yes I am rich. Rich, as I respect those who keep me alive; rich as I understand that freedom is not free - it was won by blood not by the sympathy seeking you are advocating. Rich, as my life, is my nation's.
Yes, I have no love for India; I love my nation and that is Bhaarat not the corrupted word of India, the alms of your dear British!
Finally, I do not ask for your sympathy. (I am not a sympathy seeker so you are unlikely to fall in love with me like you have with other sympathy seekers!) Your criticism is sure to propel me, my countrymen and my nation towards the ultimate goal of being a super power.
Jai Hind!
I don't know if this fellow ever visited these troubled parts of my nation. But I have & I also have first hand experience with tribal &army people.Both of them respect each other. In spite of false propaganda by Christian missionaries/chinese/Bangaladeshi muslims; they know for sure that Army is for their protection! Innocent people will suffer It is Nature's law who are you to question it? Don't talk about Non Violence. It's not to be practised in actions alone it starts in your mind. If you can 'THINK' it never existed & never will!Lastly Mr Mar pl see what you westerners are doing before preaching & Don't get personal a humble advice!
Dude you published I am impressed and with all your other stuff. Yep personally I prefer Aurobindo but his life was impressive that Gandhi-ji.
Ok you want precision the Armed Forces Special Powers Act was brought in was it 1943 Japan was at Burma by His Imperial Majesty King George, it was made more draconian in 1948 when Delhi imposed it you can google this stuff but I am not a serious blogger.
A chi-square is a statistical analytical technique it was more of a stats joke but the minimum required is ten, very cruel of you to get me to explain the joke to you.
But I'll give you credit you published and you didn't have to. My point with AF(SP)A is that no police investigation was possible. I am certain you don't care either way about Manipur.
You write about Bharat in the general and dead heroes. What motivates you what drives your soul. It isn't Manipur and that's where we differ. I sent Sharmila a biography of Bhagat Singh.
But for someone who claims to be a searcher on the path you sound rather fixed in your ways. Hey we all start somewhere.
I am saying the soldiers went out on a jolly, the beat senseless putting in hospital about 30 Manipuris and they murdered in cold blood ten people standing at a bus stop and to this day no police officer has been allowed to investigate the allegation.
I am also wishing you all the best. You are no threat to me. You will do well in life. If you are less corrupt than the usual brat pack Indian business schools have produced Bharat this land this planet needs you.
I don't think the Gita is about abandoning life but I think you chose your words poorly. I did wonder whether you would publish and good for you for so doing. I am really sorry you tried to trawl through those blogs even excluding the syriac poor man.
I know that I am ignorant I have a lot to learn is an extremely spiritual statement one I would dare to follow but it cannot be just words. My objection to AF(SP)A is that it is not needed anywhere in India or Bharat only in J&K and the seven sisters. It has created an atmosphere where paramilitaries believe they will never be held to account for their crimes.
ood news for me is that Cabinet have leaked that they will force through reform. India isn't the sort of democracy that needs me to get your support. Once they repeal AF(SP)A come visit me in Manipur. They'll be a room for you there. We sit we chat we shout we argue.
Anyone Indian who has the balls to criticize Bhapu-ji is ok in my book. I think his life was impressive. He was at a meeting and a huge crowd came to shout him down. As he left he sent his followers out the back and went into the crowd. Now that's fearless.
AF(SP)A is irrelevant to the protection of anyone. Since when does anyone need the law to protect if you gang rape or kill a tribal in India. Once it's repealed the rest of India's problems are for Indians to resolve. Me I am just gonna set up a peace ashram in Manipur get married and live fearlessly. You are welcome to visit.
Beyond that yeah sometimes I overshoot with the insults I was just trying to get your attention. Personally I am not that impressed with your ultimate goal of bharat becoming a superpower. I thought you had vision but what a petty plan you have for her. Are you sure you are not overly influenced by the British.
Good luck with your career. There are a thousand Bharats here if you ever want to see Manipur come, you'll be under my protection, which as you can tell won't mean much. I am not scared to live so I'm not scared to die.
Be careful how you talk about my fiancee in my presence. But until you are actually in my presence, I think when we meet you'll turn out to be a charming young man and you'll call me Uncle until then enjoy your life.
Let me patronize you but I am on a zazen retreat for three weeks I'll try to check in on my return if you have anything you want to add. What I liked about Gandhi-ji's reflections were that he lived the Gita in community. He didn't actually say never employ violence.
He actually said to preserve Pakistan if India had nuclear weapons they should use them to keep Pakistan as part of India. But people don't actually read Bapu-ji. And on violence he said a surgeon using a scalpel is practising another kind of ahimsa. Sometimes it is necessary to cut to heal and ahimsa has no place for snivelling cowards. If you refuse to fight because you are scared it would be better for you to face your fears and join the army. I read Gandhi-ji. If you have a simple introduction to any of your great thinkers let me know. I like to read then I pass them on to Sharmila.
If you haven't read Aurobindo. He is a difficult writer, wrote far too much, but he is more my style. I am not a Gandhiite. Ignorant and in search of learning now that I like as who I am.
For now looks like the winds are changing the despots in Delhi are moving to reform AF(SP)A. Once it's repealed I get what I want. I'll live in Manipur though it is the carbuncle on the world's arse. I'll live there because I am in love. If I need to explaint that to you brother then your ignorance has some interesting surprises in store for you.
Aurobindo's view of Karma was more nuanced. He argued that if it worked as you put it like Newton's law or as cause and effect then experiments with rats (Skinner et al) suggest that within one generation humanity would have evolved out of this kaliyug.
Even on the Gita I assumed you can't have meant what you said. Do not invest in the phantasies of the fruits of action but karma yoga cannot mean abandon life. But as you say you are ignorant in search of learning. And you believe in precision in words. I'll happily explore these things. They say if you understand Karma and Dharma then all Indian Philosophical thinking lies open to you.
Satyagraha is to do with shame. There is no objection to planning in the Gita, but when you act act without lust for results. You may not wish to debate. Oh and when you have time check out the Malom massacre sometimes bad things happen and it is wrong to cover them up the chips fall where they will. Show me evidence of her wrong doing and I'll bring it to her. Without Truth Satyagraha means nothing
I am about to set off on a nightbus for what I consider a relaxing zazen shikantaza 3 week retreat it includes one full and one min sesshin if you wanted to know. You say you are ignorant and in search of knowledge, this is a fairly long NDTV special report on Sharmila and Manipur. And yes they did just murder ten people standing at a busstop and because there were more than five assembled AF(SP)A gives them protection from investigation prosecution or arrrest. But I wouldn't care either but for Irom Sharmila so why should you. But the link if you want it I warn you 19 minutes long which to a youth must seem like an eternity.
There is a good old saying in English, "Its no use banging your head against the wall. You are bound to break your own head."
There is great contrast and terrific confusion in the mind of Mr. Mar Dezie. His paragraphs and writings have no connection between themselves. He has incorrect facts at his disposal and regularly contradicts his own statements - read the line "My objection to AF(SP)A is that...." in the last para of the comment dated 22nd Dec 2010, timed at 10:35am as a small example.
I honour the comments and won't reject them. I have more comments from him and I am posting them as well which would go on to prove what I am saying about his state of mind.
To all readers, have a good laugh - you are in for a treat! If you don't go crazy by the time you have read all his comments, we'll chat again!
I am ending this saga here as I have much better things to do than waste my time on some one who does not understand the basics and what he is speaking. An intellectual argument is always welcomed and respected, not crap!
Finally, to the wall, I have 2 words for you.....
Jai Hind!
Thanks for ending this meaningless discussion at last! Someone is trying to divert your attention don't bother.
I am an american muslim of indian origin.
My grandfather fought the Japs in WWII on Burma front. He was recruited by the British Raj as a paratrooper and retired after WWII. He died in 1992, was 92yrs old. Got to know a few things about India thru him and my other grandparents....
From what I know, my forefathers were against partition. And when I took Indian history 1847-1947 in my sr yr in college an elective I poured my soul into to understand where I come from, was taught by a visiting professor from Bombay, Dr. Kumar. She made us read 7 books to write our paper. All were from authors of different origins. British, Indian, Pakistani and surprisingly, an American too. Have a very different perspective of India then most of you who have either been raised in India or Pakistan or Bangladesh.
So, with this introduction, I would like to share ideas, and my rich heritage from bhaarat, hindustan, india..
You are welcome to do so. Any thoughts, ideas, queries would be welcome here; but please do make it a point to identify yourself whenever you choose to share anything.
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