Saffron or Black? Which colour does the centre associate with the word terrorism? Firstly, our witty home minister goes on record to warn against so called 'Saffron Terrorism' and then the cover up act sees a statement that terrorism is black. Wow! How do these guys interpret colours or rather are you colour blind Mr. Chidambaram? Terrorism is Terrorism and speaking your language, it is painted Green in and Green out as far as the reality is concerned.
Cant you see the green Pakistani flags flying in Kashmir? Cant you see the red blood which our martyrs sacrificed? Cant you see the tricolour being burnt on its streets? Do you even remember the lives lost in tragic anti-national attacks over the years? Maybe the air conditioned cabin insulates you from the pain felt by the nation!
Check out your colours Mr. Chidambaram for you are getting this whole issue wrong. Oh, I am sorry I should not say wrong. You are a highly qualified individual with complete understanding of the issue. The problem is you lack the courage and will and the true love needed to fight these challenges. Rather than fighting the true threat of terrorism you are painting an image of falsehood and sowing the seeds of divide by coining the term saffron terrorism!
What a cowardly act! Running away from the true issue and focusing on the bogey gives a false sense of duty, does it?
I don't think the home minister even deserves to say the word 'saffron'. It is the colour of peace, of truth, of freedom. The 'Bhagwa' since a long time, dating far back in history has been the motivater throughout. It depicts the knowledge of the sages and the valour of the soldiers. The 'Bhagwa' has been the very inspiration for independence! It depicts the culture of Hindustaan and inspires one and all to rise above and sacrifice wholly to the national cause. It is the very deity which marked the "Hindavi Swaraj" under the leadership of Shivaji Maharaj.
This is a despicable act to pollute the culture of Hindustaan and corrupt the youth with the false thoughts in an attempt to misguide us from our goal of Akhanda Bhaarat.
To such cowardly and dastardly attempts to divide the patriotic minds, I say, "You won't succeed. The war for freedom is on. The very Saffron which is spoken with the word terrorism is going to reclaim the throne from which it has been unseated."
Though these attempts have not been new they do carry powerful force and dent the fight for Bhaarat every time they are executed. To fight, we need to be one and focused on our goal lest we get swayed away by such traitorious acts!
The issue is not just of the saffron comment but its decoy act. The Home Minister by this comment is gently shifting away the attention from the centre's romantic fairytale with the separatists and their commanders in Pakistan. Separatists flay Farooq's Kashmir statement was the headline today. Time and again the government's incompetence regarding the critical matter of Kashmir has caused pain and anguish. Every time I sense a nail driven into the coffin which is going to trouble us even more in the future. It remains to be seen whether the issue engulfs the entire nation along with other internal conflicts or we, the youth rise above all and wake up before its too late to save this nation we love. It is a race against time and we are already lagging. How about leading for a change?
I was going through the comments over this news report and I was really surprised to see that Kashmiri youths indeed advocate and support the notion of Azadi!
Let us logically visit the 3 possible outcomes of the issue of Kashmir -
1) Kashmir is ceded to Pakistan :
2 words "TOTAL HELL!" I don't see it in the best interests of both, the Kashmiri people and the nation of Hindustaan as a whole. Pakistan is a dying breed, my friends. What is the point if the Kashmiris want to board a sinking ship? As far as the rest of Hindustaan is concerned there is no sense in ceding a part of the nation to the enemy. We let it happen in the case of Tibet, no need to commit the same mistake!
2) Kashmir is declared an independent state:
Firstly, if this is viewed from the Kashmiri end, I would state it with just a few simple questions directed to the youths in Kashmir. What about the life you live? What about the economy? Kashmir today survives totally on the tax payers money from Hindustaan. Would you be able to sustain yourselves? Would the separatists and terrorist organizations across the border let you live in peace? Would it not be the same case when you the youth of Kashmir be forced into terrorism? There are hardly any good educational facilities. Tourism is the major earner which will also cease after so called Azadi. Can you even imagine a life broken away from Hindustaan?
Now, if viewed from the other side of the tunnel, what we get is another stooge for Pakistan to fight their Hate Hindustaan War. Out of contention straight away.It is a part of our nation and it is impossible to let it break away.
3) Kashmir stays as a part of Hindustaan:
The way it is in right now, even this option imparts nothing but pain and loss. It is fairly easy to choose between what is good and what is bad. The real tough task is to choose when we face the challenge of choosing between multiple 'bad' options. Again as in the case of the Red corridor affair, the people who are killed are those who are not primarily responsible for the conflict. We will see more stone throwing on the streets of Kashmir. More anti-Bhaarat cries and more flag burnings. Our forces would retaliate thus resulting in more killings and the circle goes on. What about the separatists? What about the LeT or the other Bastards? This fight never touches their arses and here lies all the problem.
My sincere request to one and all, If a Kashmiri I request him/her to think over this matter and come over to the right side. The side of Bhaarat and defeat the anti-national separatists as they will bring you nothing but pain. This issue is not about peaceful lives for Kashmiris but it is about a life for hatred to all. Now, if a part of the rest of Hindustaan you be, I request you to help me spread this message. We need to awaken one and all lest the beautiful heaven on earth, the sacred land of Kashmir is lost for ever. With all the carnage throughout the years, I believe all is still not lost.
To the government, how long are you going to romance the anti-nationals for your personal gain? They are not your mistresses, damn it! They are the bloody enemies of Hindustaan. In broad daylight and on live TV the separatists insult the nation and promote its destruction and we all watch it as some entertainment package. The government even provides them security cover. How ironic can it get? How cruel it is to the security forces to guard the enemies of the nation they fight for? Catch the Bastards by the scruff of their necks and throw them into the dark cells. Let them taste the ferocious might of Hindustaan. The only possible hope lies in this act and the people of Kashmir be reasoned with peace. The false calls for international intervention and dialogue must not be called by those who desire nothing but destruction. They boycott talks and refuse to see sense, then maybe they have to be forced to see it. That can happen if the army be allowed power execution. If the nation's PM can hint about reviewing special powers to the forces and tying their hands behind their backs it is indeed a very grave situation. Gujarat is a prime example where the power of the defence forces subdued terrorism and anti-national sentiment to clear the path for accelerated growth in every sector of life. Once again I will say, take a leaf out of the book of Narendra Modi.
To cap it, the true problem is not Saffron in nature, it is the dereliction of duty by the power bearers of the nation. Do not shove away the issue and present excuses for your incompetence. If you have the guts and somewhere deep down in your hearts care for this nation and are ashamed of yourselves, solve the real issue. Catch the sinners and do an Israel!
"True principles act like compasses. They always point the right direction. Even by denying, north will stay north always."
Stephen Covey
Today, the government denies the Truth for its selfish motives but that does not mean that the Saffron has lost its might. It will as evident in history, continue to inspire me and my countrymen. It will continue to channel the strength from the culture of Hindustaan into our minds, our souls and instill the courage to fight in totality for the restoration of Bhaarat's true glory.
Just talking about this will not suffice. What we need to remind ourselves of is Netaji Subhash Babu's call, "Give me blood and I will give you freedom."
It is time to see RED. Red for anger. Anger for the insults and harm thrown towards Bhaarat Maata. There are many opportunities hidden around us which we don't stop to think about. These opportunities when grabbed will in one way or the other contribute to this fight of thoughts. Only by being aware of the truth can the false be kept at bay. The major problems are so as there is confusion and ignorance among its victims. The people of Kashmir and Hindustaan on a greater plane, i.e. you and me my fellow countrymen turn a blind eye; accept ignorance and compromise with it to lead a life of 'Stability'. Today, the nation needs sacrifice, a sacrifice of our stability if need be for the stability of Bhaarat.
"One can easily understand a child's fear of the dark. The real irony is when grown men and women are afraid of light."
Bhagavad Geeta
My friends, such instances as stated in the blog ask us questions. It is for us to decide whether we allow these questions to reach our souls or we filter them off for selfish needs. The one question it asks, "Are we refusing to see the light?"
Jai Hind!
Livin' Free is a passionate patriot's honest attempt to take the concept of freedom forward the way it is meant - with responsibility. Livin' Free is an attempt to venture into the domains of politics, psychology, economics and emotional intelligence in a bid to discover the strong undercurrents that drive the world around us, interpret them, learn from them and grow truly free - from fear, ignorance and suffering towards a happy existence, a happy society, a happy nation and a happy cosmos!
About Me
- Chaitanya Godbole
- Nashik, Maharashtra, India
- Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!
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