We proudly claim India to be a democracy - rule of the people, by the people and for the people. It is but logical to conclude that in such a political set-up, the people's choice is the ultimate binding declaration or covenant. The people's choice is reflected by the legislative (Lok Sabha) and for all practical purposes or day-to-day national operations, the executive (PM, his cabinet and the administration). Theoretically so, the word of the legislative, i.e. law passed by the Parliament, is the final word on the matter. When that law is not upheld, the function of the third estate, i.e. the Judiciary, commences - delivering justice for violation of the law. However, what is to be done when the fence consumes the farm?
Livin' Free is a passionate patriot's honest attempt to take the concept of freedom forward the way it is meant - with responsibility. Livin' Free is an attempt to venture into the domains of politics, psychology, economics and emotional intelligence in a bid to discover the strong undercurrents that drive the world around us, interpret them, learn from them and grow truly free - from fear, ignorance and suffering towards a happy existence, a happy society, a happy nation and a happy cosmos!
About Me
- Chaitanya Godbole
- Nashik, Maharashtra, India
- Analyst, Investor, Student, Animal Lover, Gaming Enthusiast, Saarthi, Hindu Nationalist, Seeker and Chaitanya! I take immense pride as a Bhaaratiya and as a Hindu - I have complete faith that the Sanatani value system can truly guide us towards inner peace which forms the nucleus of all my actions. I like to think of myself as a Thought Provoker and an Inquisitive Traveler committed to my nation’s tryst with destiny - to realize the dreams of Arya Chanakya, Swami Vivekananda, Veer Savarkar, Shivaji Maharaj, APJ Abdul Kalam and many more. My Faith: No cause is lost if there is 1 mad guy left to fight for it! My Motto: God give me courage to change what I can, the strength to accept what I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference! My Principle: Ask not what the nation does for you, ask what you can do for your nation! My Driving Force: Karen Raven's quote, "Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only much as I dream can I be" My Goal: To make myself a better person today, than what I was yesterday!