Which war is the ideal war? – The war that is won without stepping on to the battlefield.
It is very easy to misinterpret the above statement; for modern day
“peacekeepers”, the statement is akin to not going to war at all – ever! For
fanatic extremists, the statement is an excuse given by the weak. For students
of Chanakya, Shivaji and Krishna, it is the principle of minimal casualties.
For these students, the statement is all about understanding that the mind is
the all-encompassing superlative battlefield made up of tiny zones of conflict
– physical and/or emotional - this is modern warfare! The Abrahamics understood this very well and hence
you can seen a transition in Christian conquests – from overt Goa inquisition
style torture or brutal British subjugation to the silent dagger mechanisms
perfected by the Vatican Church, based on the combination of smart economics
and emotional appeal executed brilliantly by scores of missionaries
particularly along the eastern belt of India. Islam too evolved to understand
that wars needn’t be won on the might of the sword alone and hence came the
advanced weapon of demographics as explained by Muammar Al Gaddafi - something they have successfully employed in Europe and
will deliver them the continent in a few decades. However, does the Hindu
understand his own legacy?